"You know, I'm just a human. - I make mistakes and my life ISN'T PERFECT."
Ich verstehe es nicht, ich weiß nicht warum aber ich kann es einfach nicht verstehen. - warum Lebe ich? womit habe ich so ein Leben verdient? Welche Aufgabe hat Gott für mich vorgesehen? Was muss ich in meinem Leben erreichen?
I'm sick of being ugly every day. I'm sick of being judged every day just because I love him so much. I just can't understand why I have this life and others have a so much better. I admit that I don't want this life, I never want it. And I don't regret that I've said that. My life sucks and my family is the last. - what's the only thing that keeps me here, why I don't live my dreams? - My Disability.
"Rain falls angry on the tin roof
as we lie awake in my bed. "
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